District Governor Ron and Marcia Frey, District-7I, were great hosts in Fayetteville, Arkansas, last weekend. It was our first ID visit and it was great! Governor Ron had a fun-filled and informative weekend planned for his convention, which was held on the University of Arkansas campus.
Friday night consisted of a Blue Grass band playing while we all tasted samples of 11 recipes entered in the chili cook-off competition. The competition was fierce and the voting was close for the three top places. This looks like a great competition to be repeated next year on an even larger scale.
Saturday's schedule was filled with awards, a Cabinet meeting, election AND information centered around break-out sessions. These sessions were facilitated by volunteer executives from Walmart Corporation and resulted in a lot of interaction and great ideas from the attendees. During the wrap-up summary session, two of the Walmart volunteers said they would be attending their local Lions Club meeting. Now THATS what we are talking about! Involving people in SERVICE and then they become interested in making a difference in someone's life. It was good to see some establisted friends in PCC John and PDG Wanda Barnett and Lion Brad Baker; and great to meet new Lion friends in Lion Myrna McGee (widow of PID Don), CC Earl Sears, VDG Jennifer Carey, Lion Kelly Ellis, Lion Keri Earwood, Lion Ken Swanson, PDG Bill Johnston and future Lion Scott.
Saturday evening we experienced
the most frightening haunted house. This "Nightmares Haunted House" is a gigantic, annual project of the Bentonville-Bella Vista Breakfast Lions Club. Dozens of high school and college students work alongside the dedicated Lions and spouses, scaring the daylights out of everyone, and raising money for all the visually impaired charities the Lions support in Arkansas. Service & fun, an unbeatable combination!
Thank you Governor Ron and Marcia for being such wonderful hosts and making us feel so welcomed and at home. Congratulations on a great convention. Go Arkansas! Woo Pig Sooiee!!!